TV One最新推出CORIO®master C3-540 系列--構建您視頻系統(tǒng)的一種全新方法

TV One最新推出CORIO®master C3-540 系列

中國投影網(wǎng)投影資訊  2011-6-1 8:57:10 編輯:悅悅 [ ]
  【中國投影網(wǎng)資訊】ERLANGER, KY, May 23, 2011---6月15-17日在佛羅里達州奧蘭多舉行的Infocomm 展會上,TV One將首次展出其最新的C3-540系列CORIO ®master產(chǎn)品。

TV One最新推出CORIO®master C3-540 系列--構建您視頻系統(tǒng)的一種全新方法

  C3-540為您構建視頻系統(tǒng)提供了一種全新,更加有效的方法。使用TV One最新的CORIO®3技術,給用戶提供了使用新水平視頻處理能力的機會在創(chuàng)意和動態(tài)視頻的顯示上達到新的高度。這一切的可能盡在一個4RU機箱里。



  CORIOmaster 還包含了一個多畫面可監(jiān)測輸入,幫助在現(xiàn)場活動中預覽信號源或者在不同類型的裝置中作為一個狀態(tài)顯示器。圖形圖像可被導入CORIOmaster中用作背景也可用于每個畫布中。

  CORIOmaster通過一個多平臺軟件包提供控制, 提供了一個直觀的方式建立布局和自定義布局用于每一個輸出。預設可被保存和調(diào)用。在畫布上可作 出改變?nèi)缓髠魉偷讲季帧?br>

  C3-540有16個通用AV 模塊插槽,CORIOmaster 自動識別插入的模塊為輸入還是輸出模塊。當使用雙通道的DVI-U 或者3G-SDI模塊時,最多允許達32個輸入/ 輸出。模塊可插在任意插槽上作為輸入或者輸出,配置范圍從30x2 到 2x30 ( 或在此范圍內(nèi))。這種靈活性可允許用戶基于他們自己的需要去配置系統(tǒng)。日后選購的DVI-U或3G-SDI模塊可添加到未使用的插槽中,而無須重新設置路徑。新的通用的DVI-U格式兼容DVI, HDMI, RGB, YPbPr, 復合視頻和S-Video。所有的AV模塊皆是熱插拔的,一旦插上確認后立即自動配置。



  新的C3-540 CORIO®master僅僅只是CORIO®2 & CORIO®3 技術范圍里所提供的眾多產(chǎn)品中的一部分,其他更多產(chǎn)品將在2011年infocomm上展出,展位# 3601。

TV One Introduces the new CORIO®master C3-540 Series Video System
The New Way to Build Video Systems

ERLANGER, KY, May 23, 2011 – TV One will debut the new C3-540 Series CORIO®master at the InfoComm Exhibition held in Orlando, Florida on June 15th – 17th.

The new C3-540 offers a new, more efficient approach to building video systems. Using TV One’s latest CORIO®3 technology, it gives the user access to new levels of video processing power to achieve new heights of creative and dynamic video displays. All this is possible in one 4RU chassis.

CORIO®3 video processing technology allows the use of layouts which define where each output is used. Outputs can be independently rotated through 360° in real-time, without adding delay, for use in creative video wall applications. Projectors can be used off axis with brightness controls to aid in an even distribution of the projected image. Warping controls allow for projection on curved surfaces and multiple layouts can be used at the same time or one layout can be designed to tie multiple projectors or monitors together as one large image.

Edge blending, monitor walls and multiple projectors can show any combination of inputs by setting up canvases to design each layout without the limitation of a monitor or projector to just one source input. Multiple canvases can be used at the same time to define multiple layouts to aid in choreographing a video design. To further assist functionality, multiple windows can be used to design a canvas with the capability to resize and rotate each window on the canvas which is then sent to the predefined layout. The same canvas can be sent to more dedicated than one layout design. This allows for duplication in more than one area or used for status display on one monitor of the entire canvas.

The CORIOmaster also includes a multi-viewer to monitor the inputs to aid in previewing the sources during live events or used as a status monitor in various types of installations. Graphic images can be loaded into the CORIOmaster to use as backgrounds as well as for use on each canvas.

Control of the CORIOmaster is provided by a multiplatform software package that provides an intuitive way of setting up layouts and defining the canvas to be used for each layout. Presets can be saved and recalled. Changes can be made to the canvas and then transferred to the layout.

High on power in its capabilities, but low in its power consumption, the COROmaster typically requires only 160 watts, fully loaded. A traditional video system that performs the same tasks can consume ten times as much energy. Over its life, that is a lot of savings.

The C3-540 has 16 Uuniversal AV Module slots available and the CORIOmaster automatically recognizes the modules inserted as either input or output modules. This allows up to 32 I/0’s and since there are no dedicated input or output slots when using 2-Channel DVI-U or 3G-SDI modules, configurations can range from 30x2 to 2x30 and anything in between. This flexibility allows end user configurations to be based on their own needs. Additional DVI-U or 3G-SDI modules can be added later in spare slots without having to reset the unit. The new Universal DVI-U format accommodates DVI, HDMI, RGB, YPbPr, Composite or S-Video. All AV modules are hot swappable and recognized for immediate auto configuration.

In addition the CORIOmaster provides independent Up, Down and Cross conversion for every output between a variety of analog and digital video formats thru 3G-SDI and WUXGA. The modules selected determine what format will be accommodated and the matrix size.

All the functions can be controlled via serial connection via RS-232/422/485, USB or IP. An optional front panel LCD option makes direct setup easy. The unit is housed in a standard 4RU rackmount case and features an optional redundant hot swappable internal PSU and power inlet.
The new C3-540 CORIO®master is part of the huge variety of product offerings from the CORIO®2 & CORIO®3 Technology ranges and will be on demonstration and display at InfoComm 2011, booth # 3601.

To download an accompanying image suitable for publishing along with this news release, please use the following link, it will take you to TV One's Product Photo web page:

For additional information contact Kelly Broderick at TV One, 859-282-7303,, 2791 Circleport Drive, Erlanger, KY 41018.

Founded in 1984, TV One celebrated 25 years of production in 2009.TV One specializes in video, audio and multimedia processing equipment, based on its proprietary CORIO® video conversion technology. Located in Erlanger, KY with offices across the globe, TV One manufactures a complete line-up of products for the professional and broadcast video market.
TV One has operations in Europe, USA, Taiwan, China and Latin America.

關于TV One
  TV One自1984年成立,25年來TV One一直致力于研發(fā)和生產(chǎn)視頻和計算機信號相互處理轉(zhuǎn)換,視頻和計算機方面給客戶提供創(chuàng)新的解決方案。依靠以客戶回饋為基礎的研發(fā), TV One在視頻影像信號處理產(chǎn)業(yè)制造出了許多個“第一”。 TV One在產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、可靠性和客戶滿意度上居行業(yè)領先地位。

  TV One總公司位于美國肯塔基州,于近幾年相繼在拉丁美州、歐洲、臺灣及大陸上海成立分公司和辦事處,且各主要國家均設有代理經(jīng)銷商 。 TV One為繼續(xù)爭取全面性的卓越,收購英國Vine Micro公司,一家知名的廣播設備生產(chǎn)制造商,并買下其公司世界獨家影像轉(zhuǎn)換處理專利CORIO技術 。此次收購使得TV One可以加強及增大產(chǎn)品的發(fā)展,創(chuàng)新產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)線以及建立更多的成本效益。這也使得TV One為廣電及專業(yè)影像制作市場提供更多的選擇,并為演示及多媒體市場提供了更多且更好質(zhì)量的產(chǎn)品保證。

  TV One團隊將每一個使用項目視為唯一的客戶需求。這些需求將對應依照對客戶從產(chǎn)品研發(fā)到客戶服務的深層承諾而細心設計的解決方案,您將發(fā)現(xiàn)TV One的多樣應用——從簡單的解決方案到復雜的集成系統(tǒng)——從商業(yè)和演示到住宅應用。 TV One以其產(chǎn)品和良好的售后服務而自豪。

  主要包括:HD/SDI全方位視頻處理器, 視頻無縫切換器;PC掃描轉(zhuǎn)換器;倍線器;數(shù)字視頻全制式轉(zhuǎn)換器;RGBHV, YUV, DVI ,HDMI,SD/HD SDI處理器,轉(zhuǎn)換器,信號延長,分配放大器,切換器,分辨率轉(zhuǎn)換器;VIDEO,PC,DVI 信號發(fā)生器和高性能的矩陣設備等。
聯(lián)系TV One
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Fax: +86 10 62417633-8006 

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